Feet to Meters Converter

Convert from:
Result in Meters(m):

1 feet(ft) = 0.3048 Meters(m), 1 Meter(m) = 3.28084 Feets(ft)

Conversion of feet to meter and meter to feet can seem the same thing while being very different things. Feet to meter, conversion is simpler as feet happen to be the smaller unit here. Before we get into conversions, let us know about each of the unit separately so we get a better understanding of what they really mean.

How to convert feet to meters?

Feet to Meters converter Formula

1 ft
0.3048 m
1 ft
0.3048 m

1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 m = 3.280839895 ft


Convert 2 feet to meters:

2ft = 2 × 0.3048 = 0.6096m

What is Feet?

A feet is technically defined as 0.3048 meters exactly. feet can also be written as “ft” or by using a prime symbol (‘) . One feet contains about 12 inches or 30.48 cm. This unit of measurement was known as foot because it is originally based on the length of a feet. The feet was used in many systems including that of Greek, Roman, English, Chinese and French before it was standardized as a unit of measurement. Earlier the exact length of the feet differed because of difference in anatomy of each person. It was between 250mm and 335 mm in the past as that compared to that of the above measurement.

Foot/feet are usually used to measure height or shorter distances. In addition, it is widely used to measure altitude or elevation like that of a mountain.

What is Meter?

The metre or meter (m) is the basic unit of length of in the international system of units (SI). This term “meter” is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in the vacuum in 1/299, 792, 458 of a second. Originally, in 1793, it has been said that the meter was defined by one ten millionth of the distance from that of the equator to the northern pole.

Conversion from Feet to Meter

Feet Meter
1 Feet 0.3048 Meter
2 Feet 0.6096 Meter
3 Feet 0.9144 Meter
4 Feet 1.2192 Meter
5 Feet 1.524 Meter
6 Feet 1.8288 Meter
7 Feet 2.1336 Meter
8 Feet 2.4384 Meter
9 Feet 2.7432 Meter
10 Feet 3.048 Meter
11 Feet 3.3528 Meter
12 Feet 3.6576 Meter
13 Feet 3.9624 Meter
14 Feet 4.2672 Meter
15 Feet 4.572 Meter
16 Feet 4.8768 Meter
17 Feet 5.1816 Meter
18 Feet 5.4864 Meter
19 Feet 5.7912 Meter
20 Feet 6.096 Meter
21 Feet 6.4008 Meter
22 Feet 6.7056 Meter
23 Feet 7.0104 Meter
24 Feet 7.3152 Meter
25 Feet 7.62 Meter
26 Feet 7.9248 Meter
27 Feet 8.2296 Meter
28 Feet 8.5344 Meter
29 Feet 8.8392 Meter
30 Feet 9.144 Meter
31 Feet 9.4488 Meter
32 Feet 9.7536 Meter
33 Feet 10.0584 Meter
34 Feet 10.3632 Meter
35 Feet 10.668 Meter
36 Feet 10.9728 Meter
37 Feet 11.2776 Meter
38 Feet 11.5824 Meter
39 Feet 11.8872 Meter
40 Feet 12.192 Meter
41 Feet 12.4968 Meter
42 Feet 12.8016 Meter
43 Feet 13.1064 Meter
44 Feet 13.4112 Meter
45 Feet 13.716 Meter
46 Feet 14.0208 Meter
47 Feet 14.3256 Meter
48 Feet 14.6304 Meter
49 Feet 14.9352 Meter
50 Feet 15.24 Meter

This should help you to get accurate answers and should help you with feet to meter conversions.


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